Thursday, August 30, 2012

October 26, 2009- Incident explained

Well, my blog readers, you have no doubt heard the expression, "according to informed sources."
These informed sources are usually at the center of a story and are privy to information that others are not. Now, according my best informed sources, the alleged incident at the home of Stacey Burns on October 26, 2009 has no bearing at all on the murder case of Stacey Burns.
Here is a portion of my explanation to authorities after I asked for information on this incident. "I am trying very hard to gather factual information for background material for my book rather than simply information supplied by individuals . . ." It may be added that similar to my discussion of what constitutes the truth being different for different people, some people may be more credible than others. This is not to say that people do not tell the truth: on the contrary, I tend to think that most people are honest. The truth does not vary; only the perceptions of the truth vary.
It is truly amazing to me how difficult it is to come by truly accurate information as time goes by. It really goes back to primary versus secondary sources. Even a person who observes an event first hand and is a credible, believable witness, therefore a primary source, may become a secondary source, much less credible, three years after the fact as other variables intrude on his or her perception.
So, my opinion, for what it is worth, is to suggest that for now the October 26, 2009 event at the Burns' house on North Main Street be removed from the discussions of the murder of Stacey Burns.
If you differ, I encourage you to let me know!


  1. I'm so confused! I thought the incident at the Burns' house WAS the murder... Duke, I admire your perseverance.

  2. This incident was 5 months after the murder at the Burns' household. RUMOR has it that Ed Burns was holding a gun to his mother's head. Apparently not true according to well informed sources.
    Sorry to confuse the issue but it is a very confusing situation. I'm not giving up yet!
