Monday, August 13, 2012

Backstory- October 26, 2009

The status of the Stacey Burns murder investigation remains "ongoing" so I do not hold out much hope as I file a Public Records Act request for incident, police and criminal reports and 911 tape contents. However, in my efforts to obtain more "backstory" information, I will be requesting through the same avenue any police reports on the incident at the Burns's home on October 26, 2009.
As a writer/journalist/researcher working on a legitimate project, I would think that this information should be made available to me upon request as long as I fund any expenses involved in duplicating documents, tapes and any other pertinent information. If the information about that incident has no bearing on my narrative about the Stacey Burns case, I obviously would not use it as it would be out of place. Time will tell if this effort to obtain the information is successful.
Meanwhile, there are many other documents that I believe could be quite revealing, again as background material for my project. Unfortunately, these remain unavailable but imagine how helpful it would be to peruse personal letters, court orders, restraining orders, stalking claims, court testimony from Stacey herself, entire 20/20 interviews instead of snippets! The list could go on and on. This crime did not occur in a vacuum but I'm certain the detectives have explored all of these possible options and no doubt continue to do so in "ongoing" fashion.

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