Saturday, August 11, 2012

Backstory- Friends of Stacey Burns

The last blog outlined briefly what the literary term "backstory" means in both fiction and nonfiction writing today. The blog also discussed how great it would be to have Ed Burns and his family provide background information for many of the already written chapters in Murder in a Small Town: The Tragic Death of Stacey Burns. Of course, it has only been two days so the fact that I haven't heard from anyone about supplying more of the backstory before Stacey was killed doesn't necessarily mean that I won't. However, I am having the feeling that I just might not hear anything so today I'm asking that any of Stacey's friends, including those who have already interviewed with me, who might want to add anything to what they may have already said. to do so.
In a book of this nature, there can never be too much information provided. The backstory drives the narrative with insights into important aspects of character, motivation and personalities of those most directly involved in the story.
Again, I would love to hear from anyone with anything they believe may add substance to the telling of this continuing tragedy.
I still await permission from several interviewees to publicize the information they have provided. When and if that happens, I'll be able to proceed with the plan to begin releasing the book a chapter at a time, even in the face of some experienced writers who think that is not a good idea.
So . . . Ed Burns and his mother and sisters and friends of Stacey's, I anxiously await anything you might have for my backstory!

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