Thursday, August 9, 2012

Backstory-Ed Burns

Attend any writers' conference or seminar or forum or workshop or class and you are sure to hear about the literary device known as backstory. Murder on a Small Town: The Tragic Death of Stacey Burns has a substantial amount of backstory but, in the author's opinion, needs more.
Backstory is that device that expands the reader's knowledge of background information, filling in the narrative using such techniques as flashback, character recollections and even dialogue. In the case of this book, I could supply a list of those people who have already supplied much of the backstory and the reaction on the part of those reading this would likely be to question why I do not have other "backstories" from other people close to the Stacey Burns case. That is a valid question but it has a simple answer. I want to include as much backstory as I can but I can't do it if people either will not talk to me or, for those who have spoken with me, don't want me to include what they have told me.  
In the title of this blog, I mention Ed Burns, Surely, he would have some timely and pertinent information for me to include as backstory, especially if he was aware of what others have said about him. I would love to include as background the incident that occurred at the Burns' house in October of 2009, just five months after Stacey was murdered along with the police reports of that incident. Ed Burns and his family could supply their version of events already part of the book  and that would surely make for fascinating and illuminating backstory.
So, as I said on previous occasions, I may be in Arizona but Im not hiding out. I am readily available by e-mail, Facebook, phone or letter if anyone out there wants to be part of the "backstory" for this awful crime. There are still many pages to be filled as we wait for "ongoing investigation" to be completed and an arrest to be made.

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