Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Why a book about Stacey Burns?

Via the infamous and cliched "grapevine" I hear the legitimate question asked enough that it should be answered. This blog will be Part I of the answer to the question: Why would you write a book about the Stacey Burns case? This question is the kind that is usually asked when the person asking already has a pre-conceived notion about what the answer should be but that does not make it any less legitimate.
Unspoken most of the time but always lurking is the follow-up question: How could you think of making money on such a tragedy?
Let's answer the follow-up first. Should this book ever be published in any format, I'm not planning on benefiting financially. If anyone does benefit, it will be the children of Stacey Burns through the foundation which has already been established for them. With that out of the way, let's move on to the question of why would I write this book.
We lived in Tuftonboro, New Hampshire for forty years. I taught in the Governor Wentworth School District for sixteen years and in Conway for ten. The area is home to us despite our retirement move to Arizona. We were still in NH when Stacey Burns was murdered. I saw first hand the pain, anguish and impact her death had on people I knew very well. I have written memoir and non-fiction and thought I could do the research this book and present an impartial, fair and accurate picture of the events connected to this horrendous crime. From everything I had heard about Stacey Burns and the incredible positive impact she had on so many people, I thought she deserved to have her story told as well.
I am a writer and writers want to write.This story ached to be told and I thought this was a chance to follow that writing passion for a good cause.
Part 2 of why I am writing this book will be the subject of the next blog.  


  1. Good post, Duke! Clearly, this case is close to your heart. As for making money, why would people jump to that conclusion? Most authors don't make much money... and as you said, you will donate to benefit Stacey's children.

  2. Duke this story needs to be written about for many reasons if not the biggest about domestic violence and how hate or jealousy could drive a person to commit such a terrible crime against another human being and in a house where her children were staying that night.

    Also when the 2 prime suspects are people who at one time or another loved this person or say they did. There are many questions "why" someone would do this to a mother and friend to so many people.

    The last time anyone should worry about is someone writing a book and should worry that there is a killer still out there and the police seem to be doing nothing about it.
