Thursday, June 7, 2012

Another question

As I interviewed various people for my book about the murder of Stacey Burns, I was struck by the positive impact she had on those around her. I also was intrigued by the variety of stories I was told regarding the interaction with the police investigators.
Today's question: How is it that so many people know or believe they know intimate details about the investigation, details which it seems to me only the police should know? A follow-up question could easily be this: Have the police inadvertently shared information that could compromise the investigation? During my two years with this project, any contact with authorities has resulted in being told that as long as it is an "ongoing investigation" they can share nothing. Yet, it certainly appears as though details have been shared with the public.
On Saturday, I will raise a question for John Quinones of 20/20, one I asked in a certified letter to him but received no response.


  1. Was the letter signed by him or just some secratary who handles the mail ?

  2. It was not signed for by J. Quinones. However, I have the distinct impression that what I'm doing is not important enough to warrant attention from such important people as John Quinones. I can't believe that any secretary would ever ignore a certified letter or make the decision to not let him at least see it. Ignoring something often makes it go away.

  3. Good question, Duke. I suspect the police "leak" what they think is necessary to get answers from others.
