Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sad but true . . .

After thousands and thousands of words, untold hours and expense, I have to say that I don't know where Murder in a Small Town: The Tragic Death of Stacey Burns is going to end up.
I promised all those whom I interviewed that they would have a chance to approve what I had written that pertained to them. Obviously what I've written had made some folks nervous (and rightfully so, I guess) so my plan to release this book in serial fashion in e-book format by chapter is not happening at this point.
This is NOT to say that the book will not be finished. It will be and virtually is; however, it will not see the public domain until I have those permissions. (Lawsuits, no matter how frivolous, are a reality in today's society.)
When there is an arrest, this book will be ready to go, if not before. In the  meantime, if anyone out there wants to have input, now is the time. (Mr. Burns, Mr. Thor, Mr. Brabant, any police or investigators, any family members, anyone . . ) I am not exactly in hiding. Check website, blog, or just the white pages for Green Valley, Arizona.


  1. Duke, you've done all the hard work. As you said, if there is a break in the case at any time — an arrest, trial, conviction — you'll be ready to go. I hope it doesn't go completely cold. But even then, if you get the permissions, you could still publish it as an unsolved case...

  2. Thanks, Denise. Every once in a while, I need someone to tell me to stay with it (and I am!)
    Thanks again!

  3. Hang in there I am Duke and I'm still digging. I'll contact you as leads come forth.
