Thursday, July 12, 2012

A new suspect?

I don't generally put much credence in the "talk on the street" because it is usually just that. However, in this case, there just may be some truth (or a degree of truth) to this.
Assuming my novelist mode with its perenial "what if" question, what if, just for the sake of  argument/discussion, there is a third person out there? He/she might have fallen off the police radar as they zeroed in on the most logical suspects. What if, heaven befall us, it is a female? What if this person had the motive, means and opportunity to kill Stacey Burns? I assume that any of these "peripheral" people have been eliminated from consideration due to the careful, judicious and thorough investigation, but in my mind, wouldn't it be a huge suprise if Ed Burns and Jim Vittum suddenly were not suspects in the murder of Stacey Burns?
Sorry, I let my fiction writer take over there but as long as there are no arrests nor trial not convictions, we can speculate!
Just thinking but the "talk on the street is. . ."


  1. I've wondered about that... if there might someone else who escaped police eyes. A woman? Entirely possible. As for talk on the street... as they say, where there's smoke there's fire. Cannot be entirely written off or ignored. Maybe that's why no arrests to date, because they are looking into someone else or can't be sure enough about the two initial suspects. I hope they aren't just giving up, letting this become a cold case. See you on Sunday, Duke!
