Thursday, October 11, 2012

Suspension and Review

This is the fifty-eighth blog in this series. There will not be another post (unless it comes as a comment from one of you out there) until Wednesday, October 24, 2012.
My posted blogs have raised issue after issue regarding the diabolical and heinous murder of Stacey Burns and the ensuing investigation into who may have committed the crime. The purpose of the blog was, I believe, clearly established early in June when it was begun.
The reason for this temporary, eleven day suspension is simple. There is not much else to say without additional factual information. Here is a brief review of what has been covered in previous blogs.
1. Questions regarding the police investigation and the apparent movement of the case closer to the "cold case" category were raised but never answered.
2. Invitations to contact me were issued to people who have chosen not to provide their side of the sometimes provocative stories and rumors running rampant around Wolfeboro. So far, those invitations have been rejected or ignored.
3. Pleas for permission to use some of the information supplied in previously conducted interviews went unanswered. (duker's note- I promised my interviewees that they would be able to read what I had written if it applied to them or statements they may have made before publishing anything. A knowledgeable newspaper person I know told me that promise was a big mistake.)
4. Requests to obtain "back story" information about the Burns and Keane families so as to paint a complete picture of this exceptional person were issued. As of this date, the information in the one hundred and forty + pages written so far is derived primarily from friends and acquaintances.
There were other topics covered as well but these were the major ones.

A friend raised a good question to me, asking exactly how this blog has been publicized so that people are aware of it. The subtext of that question is obvious: If people don't know it is available, how could I expect any results?  My answer is simple. I posted the blog information everywhere I could imagine, including my two facebook accounts, my e-mail address list, Wolfeboro Topix, the Stacey Burns memorial site, professional writers' newsletters, my website, etc. Perhaps (obviously?) that has not been enough. . .
Until Wednesday, 10/24/2012 . . .

1 comment:

  1. Duke, do you have a stat counter, that tells you how many hits you're getting? People may be reading but not commenting or coming forward. If you type Stacey Burns murder into google, does your blog come up in the results? You might talk to Chris O'Byrne at the conference about keywords. However, I suspect the real issue is that people who know something (or think they do) are still afraid to go "public." So frustrating for you...
